Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Blog 10 - Analysing 2 film posters

I analysed two teen horror film posters, i did this to help me when planning and creating my film poster. The two film posters i analysed were Jennifers Body and Sorority Row.

I first anlalysed the film poster for Jennifers body. I first analysed the font used, two differnt fonts are used on this film poster. There is a font which looks like handwriting this is used on the blackboard, this relates to the setting and the charcaters age of the film as it is associated with school and teaching. The other font used empahsises this meaningas the other fotn looks like the font featured on cheerleading uniform, this font could be interpretated by the audience as an insight to what the main character does or that this aspect (cheerleading) is a main part of the film.
The main colours used are red and white. Using this red potrays blood,pain and sex which like the DVD cover for Jennifers body may represent what is featured in the film of the type of character she is. Using white portrays goodness, which using the red and white together gives an interesting contrast and may come across as good and bad. Dark colours are used and featuring these colours with the red and white may come across as the film having a twisted meaning. Also half of the poster has a lighter tone and the half has a darker tone which could be interpretated as having a good and bad side to the film.
The character featured on the film poster for Jennifers body is the same for the DVD cover. The charcater is still sitting seductivley and smirking, howevre in the DVD cover the main charcater has blood by her face but in the film poster she doesnt. By taking away the blood by her lip it may confuse the audience as you may not know if she is the victim or the antagonist, which adds mystery to the film poster and may attract more people to watch the film.
The positioning of the image dvides the page and make the poster more interesting. The image is off centre an is more positioned towards the left, the heard of the character is at the same level as the title, by using this technique it enables the audience eyes go immediatley to the face and title as our eyes automaticlly go to the left.
On Jennifers body's film poster the information given is the names of the cast members, the production company, the director, the website of the film, date of release, the title and film reviews. By including all tjis information it attracts the audience as they may be more influenced to watch the film if they know the production company or director ad they may have seen a film by them before, they may be attracted to the cast or the film reviews may make them watch the film.
Like the DVD cover of Jennifers body it would appeal to older teenagers and young adults due to the setting. Men and women would be attracted to the film cover due to the use of the female character.
Informal language is mainly used on the film poster, unlike the DVD cover which uses formal and informal elanguage evenly. On the film poster for Jennifers body informal language is used in the film reviews, i think this is because it attracts the audiences attention. Informal language on the film poster is used the same way as the DVD cover.
Jennifers body film poster conveys the teen horror genre by featuring a school setting, this is used to relate to the audience surroundings. A young attractive girl is featured which attracts both males and females. Handwriting font and cheerleading font are used in the same way as school settings and attractive girls as they are relatable for the target audience as they are what they are part of their way of life. The colours red and black are used as they represent or interpretated with horror. The certification is 15 so this empahsises that the film is in the teen horror genre as they want teenagers from the age of 15 to watch however it is not suitable for a younger audience so it includes scary scenes.

The film poster for Sorority row is just like the front of the DVD cover. The font used on the Sorority row film poster is distinguished which gives an old feel. The font is a serif font which gives the impression of importance this corresponds with the line underneath that emphasises this point. Like the DVD cover this font may have been used to represent the characters education.
The colours used on the film poster are very dark, this gives the sense of mystery. Also using dark colours insinuates death, the Sorority row film poster also includes red which put together with the black could be seen as an insight to what the film is about as red can be seen as blood and pain.
The six main characters are featured on the film poster of Sorority row, they are all standing upright which makes them seem strong and powerful, this could give and insight to what the characters are like. They are dressed seductivley in dresses showing cleavage, this again shows the personality of the chracters and this could give an insight to what is included in the film. They are all standing close together which shows that the relationship between all of them is strong and that they are friends.
The postioning of the chracters and the flames instantly attract the attention of the audience as they are centred, it makes the focus go on the characters and the surroundings of them. By having the characters and the flames centred lets the audience know the type of film Sorority row is. The title is below the characters but still centred, this is so the audience can identify what the film is.
The information presented on the Sorority row film poster is the title, tage line, release date, production company, cast, director and producer. The information presented is basic however the information provided is all that the audience may be interested in. By featuring not alot of information keeps the attention on the characters eatured on the poster.
The type of audience that would be attracted to this film poster and encouraged to watch the film because of this would be females and males. This is due to the use of the 6 attractive females featured. The young adult girls and the school in the background may make the film appeal to older teenagers. The audience that the film poster would appeal to is the same for the Sorority row DVD cover.
Not alot of text is featured on the film poster. There is only the information about the cast and crew, the title and the tag line. The tag line 'Sisters for life . . . and death'. This could be interpretted by the audience in different ways. One way would be that they may be very very close and connected in a way, another may be that they all die. By having a hidden meaning gives the semse of mystery to the film poster and may encourage people to see the film.
The film poster for Sorority row conveys the teen horror genre by featuring young attractive females, these are used to relate to the audience age group. The school in the background is used in the same way as the characters. The colours portray the teen horror genre as they are the colours insinuated with horror. The line underneath the font looks like blood, so it comes across asa gore film.

Monday, 1 November 2010

Blog 9 - Analysing two DVD covers

I have analysed two DVD covers in order to help when producing my own DVD cover. I have analysed Jennifers body and Sorority row, which are both teen horrors and targeted at the same audience as my script.

When analysing Jennifers body, i looked at the font and thought why has this been used and how it could of been interprettated by the audience. The font is large and bold therefore it immediatley stands out to the audience. The font is distressed and spllatered which may be seen by the audience as a  resemblence to blood. Using red in the font empahises blood, and gives an insight to the audience that the film contains gore.
Colours used can be conveyed as a particular mood or may have a symbolic meaning. The dominant colours in the images used on the DVD cover of Jennifers body are Red, black and white. Red portrays blood, danger, evil and warning so it shows what may be included in the film, it also potrays sex and love this meaning could be associtaed with her top, which empahsises sex appeal. Black is associated with mystery and death. The use of white and black together suggests good and bad.
The main image on Jennifers Body is an image of the protagonist Jennifer Check. She is smirking, this could suggest that she is evil and the antagonist of the movie. This is emphaised by the blood by her face, however the blood could also suggest pain, which may give the impression that she is the victim. She is sitting confidently and seductively this gives an insight to the type of character she may be. She is dressed seductivley and is showing alot of flesh, this could emphasise the charcter she is and also show that she is young. The main image is set in a classroom this could also suggest the age and give the impression that the film is a teen horror. The hand hidden in the desk gives an extra component to the DVD cover, it adds interest as the audience may be asking questions e.g. Why is that hand there? Is she a murderer?. The thumbnails on the back of the DVD cover give an insight to the type of film, all 3 thumbnails are dark, they introduce another character so the audience know that the film is not just about one character and they represent the emotions of the characters.
The type of language used on the DVD cover of Jennifers Body is mixed, this is because they use informal to appeal to the audience and formal to describe the movie so the audience do not feel patronised. 'She's got a taste for bad boys', this is informal language. This quote could have a literal meaning and a metaphoric meaning which may be left to the audiences interpretation. The literal meaning is that she likes the tastes of bad boys as she eats them which is more linked to the teen horror genre or the metamorphic meaning would be that she fancies/interested in bad boys, this would suggest the type of person that she is e.g. she is a flirt or she is popular with boys. Quotes from reviews are used 'Smart, sassy and sexy as hell', alitteration has been used here and this empahsises the meaning and also shows that the film is a teen horror.
The DVD cover would appeal to males and females. Males would be attracted to Megan  Fox who plays Jennifer Check and girls would be appealed to the DVD cover as they may apsire to look like Megan Fox. The review ratings from Jennifers Body show that more men went to see the movie however females gave the film a higher rating. This may be seen as men went to see the film because of the female actress and women preferred the film because they liked the story line. The setting of the DVD cover would appeal to teenagers and young adults as it is set in a classroom.
DVD cover conveys the teen horror genre as the colours used are associated with horror, red for blood and evil and black for mystery. The use of blood shows horror as is sugggests gore especially with the use of the blooded handprints on the blackboard which may suggest a murder, the blood by her lip and the hand hidden in the desk empahsises this meaning. The thumbanils at the back also represent the teen horror genre as you can see young girls and dark colours are used. The certificiation is a 15 which shows that this film is aimed at teenagers and shows that the scenes may be scary.

When analysing the DVD cover for Sorority row, i looked at the font. The font is bold so immediatly attracts the attention of the audience. The font is faded and looks distressed this could be interpreted by the audience as arelation to the feelings of the characters or what the film involves. The font is a serif font so it is formal. A serif font fits well witht he title of the film as serif font is associated with tradition this represents a sorority as they are established and are traditional at univerisitys. The line underneath suggests importance.
Like Jennifers body, the dominant colours used on the Sorority row DVD cover are red and black. Red is assosciated with death, pain, blood and sex which may be percieved by the audience as what the film is about. Black is usually associated with death and mystery. Using this two colours together gives the feel of the DVD cover of darkness. White is also used however its a distinguish white which could convey the feeling of bad.
The main image of the front of Sorortity row is of 6 girls which immediatley shows that they are the main characters. How they are standing and their facial expressions show that they are the ones in the sorority and that they are the 'pretty' girls, which may be percieved as the victims. They are all standing and posing seductivley giving a sexual reference. They are wearing long flowing dresses, which again could be seen that they are the victims as it shows innocence. However by including the two swords/spears it could be seen as they are warriors and they are the ones who are the antagonists. By the 6 girls wearing long dresses it could be said that it is showing their age to the audience they could be wearing prom dresses. The setting of the main image is set around darkness and flames which may be seen as they girls are in danger as the flames are situated around them. On the back of the DVD cover there are several images. These images give an insight of the plot to the audience as you can immediatley see that there is a killing as one of the girls is laying on the floor covered in blood. You can see from the thumnail pictures that there is sexual reference as the girl laying down is in her underwear and another girl is in her bikini. You also can teel the relationship between the girls in the pictures, you can see that they are all close. Using these images at the back correspond with the writing on the back. They help with the explanation.
Thw type of writing featured on the sorority row DVD cover is mixed like Jennifers body. There is more formal writing featured which is suitable as it fits with the plot as the girls are at university. However some informal language is used to appeal to the audience 'sisters for life . . . and death'. This gives the sense of mystery to the film as the audience may not know what to expect. This quote may make the audience question what the film is about. Do they die? Do some die? Do they kill each other? The quote from the film review 'The best horror film since scream' By using the word best, this may make the audience attracted to buy this DVD as it has a good review. The other quote featured on the DVD cover 'Blackly comic gore laden shocker'. Using this quote which is informal appeals to the audience and may make them intrigued to find out what the film is about and also may make the assumtion that the film is quite dark.
The sorority row DVD cover is similar to the Jennifers body DVD cover because it could appeal to men or women as men are attracted to the women and women aspire or can relate to the girls. By featuring young girls shows that they are young so a younger audience could be attracted to the film. This is shown by the film ratings of Sorority row. The majority of the votes came from males and females aged 18-29. Males gave a higher rating which may be because of the gore.
Sorority row DVD cover conveys the teen horror genre as they use characters which are young and this is represented by what they are wearing as the audience may think they are wearing prom dresses. The colours are related to horror as the colours are red and black which are typical colours for horror films as they represent blood and death. The flames in the background represent danger, which gives a sense of fear to the DVD cover. The weapons featured convey the teen horror genre as they feature blood on them which could suggest death. Like Jennifers body the certification is a 15 so this immediatley srepresnets the teen horror genre as older teenagers can watch the film.

Blog 8 - Introduction - Production

The production task is to produce a DVD cover and film poster including photos taken by myslef to accompany the script i produced.