Monday, 27 September 2010

Blog 2 - Target Audience

Jennifers body and Sorority row have the same target audience as they are both teen horror films. The typical audience for these two films would be mainstreamers, they want to see big produced hollywood movies and as they are teen horros the two films would be aiming at teenagers/young adults from the age of 15-21. When looking at the user ratings from both films, you can clearly identify what age group enjoyed the film more.

Jennifers body had a large amount of votes from males however recieved a low rating, whereas females voted less but gave a higher rating compared to males. The highest rating of the film came from the under 18 category and the 18-29 female category. The majority of vates came from the 18-29 category however the film was rated low.

Sorority row - user ratings
Sorority row recieved most votes from a male audience and like Jennifers body rated the film with a low rating.  The majority of the votes for Sorority row came from the 18-29 category however recieved a low rating. The highest percentage came from females aged 45+, but not alot of people from that category voted, this shows that most of them rated the film 5-8, this is the same for the boys category aged under 18, they too gave Sorority row a high rating but few people voted.

Jennifers body - user ratings

1 comment:

  1. Good clear analysis. To go up a grade you could add your own research eg distribute a questionnaire or put a survey up on Facebook.
